"In the pursuit of virtue, don't be afraid to overtake your teacher."
"Young people should not be taken lightly. How do you know that they will not one day be better than you are now?"


"True poets are only the interpreters of the Gods."

-- Socrates

You laugh because I'm different, I laugh because you're the same.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris can make Batman cry.  Ever heard one of these?  Well I have one thing to say about this, Chuck Norris is a ninja.  Yep, I said the "n" word.  He is a ninja, that is a fact.  Not an opinion, a fact.  Now, you may think Chuck Norris is a big poser, which he is, but no one has to know that.  (Don't tell him I said that)  Here's a real fact, the reason Chuck Norris became a martial artist is because when he was younger he was physically bullied by his peers.  So in the end he decided to become what we know him as today.  Isn't it weird how things like that happen.  Imagine if you bullied someone when you were young, that person turned into Chuck Norris, and came to your door with an open for anyone round-house kick.  In the end Chuck, or as I like to say, Charles Norris, is the 17th greatest man who ever lived.

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