"In the pursuit of virtue, don't be afraid to overtake your teacher."
"Young people should not be taken lightly. How do you know that they will not one day be better than you are now?"


"True poets are only the interpreters of the Gods."

-- Socrates

You laugh because I'm different, I laugh because you're the same.

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Great Millow

Author's Note:
This a Dr. Seuss style poem that I wrote including references from my other Dr. Seuss poems and some of Dr. Seuss's as well.

If you've ever heard the tales
Of the planet named New Rillow
You've heard of Whos and Spronks and Quids
But how about a Millow?

Yes in deed a Millow is
The dumbest of them alright
But the only soul surviving Millow
Isn't leaving without a fight

He can punch a wherewolf
Straight from here to Mars
He can even beat a vampire
Across children monkey bars

He knows all about
Important stuff, unlike you or I
For he knows about philosophy
And this is not a lie

Da Vinci, some would call him
But that's just being modest
Cause this Millow knew about the Grinch
In the beginning of that August!

His power is so sought out
That he even knows Santa Clause
Mother Nature, Easter Bunny
And…dramatic pause

When the mean old Gleefs took over New Rillow
Do you know who they called?
Yes indeed, it was Mr. Millow
Who moved ten logs that needed hauled

No one really knows for sure
If New Rillow's even real
Though just go to the Great Millow
And see how that makes him feel


Author's Note:
This is a poem that I wrote to sound like the song Cute by Stephen Jerzak.

If I received a nickel every time
I saw someone as pretty as you,
I would have all of five cents
And nothing to do

Could you go get me a Band-Aid?
And if you're wondering why
It's cause I've fallen in love
And I can't seem to fly

I think that there's something
Wrong with my cell phone
It doesn't have your number
So I can call you at home

Say could you grab my hand
If you wouldn't mind
Angels really exist
Is something that I'd find

When I ask you how you're doing
You always answer fine
I didn't ask you how you looked
In the way of my eyes

I might not have a library
Card on me
But can I still check you out
Or would that be mean?

So are you gonna kiss me
Or are you gonna make me lie
To everyone I know
With my diary in mind

Do you believe
In love at first sight
Or should I walk by again
I don't want to start a fight

Oh and your legs must be tired
From running through my dreams
I'm not making this up
It isn't one of my schemes

Every time I see you
You make my mouth hurt
Because you put my sweet tooth
On full alert

How much does a polar bear way,
Do you think?
Enough to break the ice
Or at least on the brink

I would walk on over to you
To ask about your fever
Oh sorry you just looked hot
To me, a true believer

I'm not trying to impress you
But in case you didn't know it
I am the one and only Batman
And I ain't afraid to show it

Where In The World

Author's Note:
This is a poem I wrote after thinking about this activity that we did in fourth or fifth grade called "Where in Wisconsin"

Where in the world
Are there scarves of bright colors
Taj Mahals in the plenty
And nothing is duller?

Where in the world
Can you find Notre Dame
The great Eifel Tower
And crepes all the same?

Where in the world
Is there a leaning tower
An old Coliseum
And a Caesar with power?

Where in the world
Is there a very great wall
Confucius religion
And few that are tall?

Where in the world
Is there loads of beer
Milk, Harleys, and cows
And too many deer?

I Knew It

Author's Note:
This is a haiku poem that I wrote about two people.  The first line is a friend and the second two are of a girl.

You two are so cute
Stop it, we are not dating
I'm not old enough

You should at least talk
We do, just not in public
But I wish we did

Say what's on your mind
To him? I am not that brave
I can't just tell him

But what if you did?
But what do you think he'd say?
He won't say it back

He might, never know
Fine, I will. Right now.  Maybe.
Breathe. Here I go. Breathe

Fingers crossed, good luck
Hey, um I sort of like you
He just responded

What did he say? Huh?
He said the he liked me too
That's great.  I knew it.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Author's Note:
This is another short story that I wrote for my series.  

I scream and beg for mercy against the hot Sahara sun, for I was abandoned in the middle of this great desert.  They just left me; they threw me out and left me here to die.  No food, no water, no nothing except for the clothes on my back and a half melted Hershey bar in my pocket.  All I can think about are my parents and how they must be scared to death looking for me.  Oh and my boyfriend, Matt, who would always ask me the same question, "Do you have a BandAid?", and I would always reply, "Why?", when he would answer, "Because I just scraped my knee falling for you."  These memories of my loved ones race through my mind as I slowly fall asleep under the intensely burning sky.

Up in the Air

Author's Note:
This is yet another short story I wrote for my series.

Six hours, fifty nine minutes and seventeen seconds later, and I'm still not in Italy.  My family lives in San Francisco, California and we on our way to Italy for our saving-up-for-three-years-and-we-still-can't-even-buy-tee shirts-at-the-airport vacation.  I am really excited to see the Coliseum the Leaning Tower of Pisa and, most importantly, going shopping in Venice!  All four of us are really into museums, too, so we're probably going to go to a million of those.  My little brother and I start a conversation with the crazy lady sitting behind us, when we hear a POP.  This wasn't just a little pop like in a Rice-Krispies box, it was a like a clap of thunder POP!  The plane begins to shake and bump and twist and turn, but no one really knows what's going on.  Several flight attendants tell us to "remain calm", but how can we?  I begin to count, merely to calm me down from this stressful situation, but then I realize that I'm counting the seconds until I die.  Eight, nine, ten, eleven…my mind forces me to continue to count, thirty one, thirty two, thirty three…our plane begins to fall faster than I imagine it should be able to, fifty two, fifty three, fifty four…our plane is nearing the dark, ocean below us, four, three, two…I'm remembering all of my friends, family, and memories of my childhood.  One.

The Wardrobe

Author's Note:
This is another short story I wrote for my series of short stories.

My older sister and I were running through our new house, looking for cabinets or cupboards that would lead to Narnia.  We checked every single possible option for the portal, but we couldn't find it.  Then, we found a locked door to a room that we hadn't noticed before.  This particular door was, oh what's the word, peculiar.  It was different from the other doors, because it was older, and darker, and had a single bar dividing the top half from the bottom.  I stole my parents' new set of keys and tried to find the key to this particular door.   Once I found it I could not help but smile.  My sister plugged it into the door and turned it one and a half times around in the hole; there was a faint clicking sound after each quarter turn.  We walked into the room together, because we were both scared something might jump out at us, but there was nothing in this room except for a wardrobe.  The both of us meander our ways ahead to see what was inside.  Tip-tap-tip-tap-click-tap-tip were the only sounds I heard as we were walking.  Our old house had a wardrobe, too, but it was very hard to open, but this wardrobe was as easy as pie to open.  To our disappointment, there wasn't a single object inside it!  Inside, the wardrobe looked larger than the outside, so we walked straight into it.  As soon as we did, the door to the room slammed and locked itself shut, as did the wardrobe doors.   We were trapped.

The Light

Author's Note:
I am writing a series of short stories and this is one of them.  

Every night, when I say my prayers, I stare blankly out the window.  I see apartments, skyscrapers, and a lamppost that never seems to be on.  Though tonight was different; the light in the post was on, but I hadn't the slightest clue why.  Downstairs, the switch is on the off half of the plate, but the light is still on.  My feet walk on the damp grass as I make my way to the lamp post.  Tonight was really dark and I couldn't totally see where I was going, but I knew my way around pretty well.  As I reached the lamppost, I tried to find the switch to turn it off.  I tried pushing it, tapping it, heck I even tried kicking it, but it wouldn't turn off!  Cars drive by and I hear horns, whistles, and then suddenly almost a breathing sound.  Once I've convinced myself that I am being ridiculous, I hear it again; and again, and again.  A shadow appears from the building across the street and a man walks out.  He's walking straight toward me, yet still looking the other direction.  His pockets look like there is a mirror or a bell in them, but it was neither.  It was a gun.  My mouth begins to scream as he turns around and…BANG.

Really Couldn't Care

Author's Note:
This is a poem describing how people shouldn't care when things are a little "messy".

If Christmas never came
Or if you got asked out on a dare
If you still said yes
You really shouldn't care

If laundry just kept coming
Or you have some messed up hair
If the sun kept itself hidden
You really shouldn't care

If you wrecked your favorite shoes
Or thought something wasn't fair
If the weather was horrific
You really shouldn't care

Some things might just happen
Where you did not arrange it
But I mean ask yourself this question,
What would you do to change it


The land of Sprink
Is a far away land
Where nuggers lay eegs
In every color but tan

Each Spronk in the Sprink
Is really quite nice
They're puffy and kind
Like sugar and spice

All Spronks have a pet
Either a walloo or a quat
They play shamball as a sport
With a single Sprink-bat

They all enjoy ice-cream
With syrups and toppings
Sprink-sprinkles and chips
And chocolate boppings

You might have heard
Of Sprink's sister town
You might have read it in a book
Backwards or upside down

In this sister city
Lots of things are blue
Where Grinches are real
To all of the Whos

They are really good friends
The Spronks and the Whos
Oh and you might met their friend

It Could Be Worse

Author's Note:
This is a poem that (I hope) makes you think of when you think you life is just "awful", but it could be worse.

It could be worse
If you didn't have money
Or house to sleep in

It could be worse
If you lost a grandparent
Or a mother or father

It could be worse
If you had one pair of socks
Or no clothes at all

It could be worse
If you didn't have ice cream
Or food for that matter

It could be worse
If you had one single friend
Or no friends at all

It could be worse
If you lost your job
Or never had one

It could be worse
If you saw bad news on the TV
Even worse if it was you

Oh No

Author's Note:
This is a poem describing how people shouldn't care when things are a little "messy".

If Christmas never came
Or if you got asked out on a dare
If you still said yes
You really shouldn't care

If laundry just kept coming
Or you have some messed up hair
If the sun kept itself hidden
You really shouldn't care

If you wrecked your favorite shoes
Or thought something wasn't fair
If the weather was horrific
You really shouldn't care

Some things might just happen
Where you did not arrange it
But I mean ask yourself this question,
What would you do to change it

Sunday, November 20, 2011


You now you're in America when...

A single stick of gum
Will get you a thousand friends
When people don't like patience
And never ever bend

When people go online
Just to look up funny cats
When a football's made with leather
And we play with baseball bats

In a race between an ambulance
And pizza delivery truck
The pizza man will win the race
Without any source of luck

When each and every year
We have all sorts of holidays
Where we dress up like little monsters
And wear green for a whole day

When you see fast food at every corner
And everything is made in China
When people still talk Southern
And eat at little dinna's

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Author's Note:
This is an acrostic poem I wrote using the alphabet. 

Amazing how we can look at someone and fall in love
Be proud to be yourself
Crazy how we can grow in a day
Don't be afraid to fall
Everyday is a gift, that's why it's called the present
For every good deed, a smile appears on someone's face
Go out into your world and create your life
Happy always is better than sad
It is alright to change for the better, not worse
Jolly old men check their lists so remember to be nice
Kindness will brighten lives
Live, love, dance
Many people have tried to change the world
No one can change the past
One life.  That's all we get
Practice makes perfect
Rain, rain go away
Silver linings will shine through
Teach, preach, learn
Umbrellas of shelter need to be removed before you can live
Very well, live life as you may
Wishes can come true
Xamine all of your possibilities
You are in charge of you own life

Zealous behavior will be rewarded

Thunder Storm

Each drop is like a sad tear
A tear from a cloud
Falling slow

Every clap is like a loud drum
A drum from God
Beating steady

Every jolt is like a spotlight
A spotlight on stage
Shining bright

My Chair

Author's Note:
This is a series of haiku poems that I wrote from the perspective of someone in a wheelchair.  I am focusing on formatting.

I can't walk or run
But I'm not immobilized
I sit on my throne

The turning wheels turn
The world around me stands still
As do my two legs

I am not broken
But I do not have a use
Where does that leave me?

I can't stand up straight
Though I can glide under things
Better than nothing

This is how I am
I can never change facts
So I embrace life

I see kids running
And I decide to join in
Though I cannot run

I'm turning my wheels
Fast, faster and faster and
I pass everyone

This is how I roll

How Would You Explain It

Author's Note:
This is from the quote on Mr. Johnson's old wall, "How do you explain color to someone who can only see in black and white?"

You can see rainbows
And sunshine and bees
But how would you explain
Color to me?

You can see paintings
And drawings and trees
But how would you explain
Color to me?

You can see styles
And movements and seas
But how would you explain
Color to me?

You can see oranges
Red, yellow and greens
But how would you explain
Color to me?

You can see life
And all that we find
But how would you explain it
To someone who's blind?

Friday, November 18, 2011

My Life

Author's Note:
This is a poem that I wrote while I was sick and just happened to think about AIDS.  I wrote it from the perspective of a teenager who is afraid to tell people he/she has AIDS.  I am focusing on formatting.

I wake up not knowing
If I will make it to tomorrow

I feel like an escaped criminal
Being hunted by the law

I wonder what I look like
As my heart and soul are dying

I live like nothing's wrong
For no one knows my secret

I am ashamed of the thing
That I must hide from my friends

I hope for the courage
To beg for their empathy

I tell myself that this is who I am
Not who I want to be

I go through living as though I was normal;
As though I didn't have


Evil Spirits

Creatures of the night
Demonic ghosts
Invisible shadows
Unknown to most

Lurking through doorways
Defying split space
Not a guardian angel
Like a killer and mace

Expansion of souls
Not a string of good conscious
With such a strong will
Able to move mountains

Deal With It

Life will give you lemons
And you might hate lemonade
Conformity will kill you
But we do it anyway

And there may just be that one girl
Who flirts with all the boys
And you might just want to punch her
Cause you truly are annoyed

 Now face the facts, cause here they are
You may just look that way
But baby you are cool enough
To fight back at these days

Everyone is beautiful
We just don't know it yet
So stretch your brain and you'll go far
When in that calm mind set

Too tall or short or blonde or dumb
We all have little quirks
If you ever get made fun of
Then shoot back a silent smirk

If you can't play or dance or run
Trust you'll be fine
And if you still don't believe me
Then give it a little time

I can see your future
Here in my crystal ball
Yes you'll grow out of being short
And end up six feet tall

Not everybody comes from money
So don't laugh at what they wear
Don't gossip 'bout the new girl
And never point or stare

Would you change your wardrobe
If brown bags were the new fashion
Would you go trapsing off to London
If if was someone else's passion?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

This Ain't Your Dream

Author's Note:
This is a "chant" that people can say to themselves, or someone else, that I, and the other Student Council members, learned at a leadership conference.  It makes you feel better if you say it with a southern accent.

I am somebody special
If you don't like me, TOUGH
Cuz I am cool enough,
Smooth enough
And doggone it! 
I am hot enough
To be who I want to be!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Life of Pi Essay

Author's Note:
This is my essay based off the book, Life of Pi.  I am focusing on organization.

What would it feel like to spend 227 days fifteen feet away from a Bengal tiger?  What if it was the two of you, in a lifeboat, in the middle of the ocean?  Young Piscine Patel survived this journey told in Life of Pi. He encountered man-eating trees, a blind man, and the occasional meerkat.  After nearly starving, nearly dying, and have nearly been eaten, Pi’s safe landing was documented in Part III.  Pi was interviewed by two Chinese men, who were writing the police report of what happened to the Tsimtsum, during Part III.  Pi told two stories of what happened after the ship sank, but once the Chinese heard both stories, they chose to write the animal version in the report, why? 

During the interview Pi retold the entire story, with and without animals, but both ended the same way; Pi was in a lifeboat with a few other creatures and he was the only one that lived.  Only the second story had a more gruesome, detailed storyline that was did not appeal to the interviewers.  While they did not care for the original, animalistic version of the story, that was the one the interviewers wrote in the report.

The report consisted of many interesting developments that, for me, were "a ha" moments.  One of them being the sentence, "Survivor's assessment of weather impressionistic and unreliable." however they continued to use Pi's assessments of other factors later in the report.  I figured the Chinese men had made a mistake, but then thought that they were picking and choosing parts out of both of Pi’s stories.  Another example is the very last sentence, "Very few castaways can claim to have survived so long at sea as Mr. Patel, and none in the company of an adult Bengal tiger." which means Mr. Okamoto and Mr. Chiba cited the animal story, not the more realistic one.  

Pi’s journey would be believed unrealistic to some, but never fear he has another story up his sleeve.  His two stories might have stirred up strong feelings from the Chinese, each told of what happened after the ship sank.  During this eye opening experience, however, he lost his family, his life, and his zoo. Realistic or fiction, in the end of, Life of Pi, Pi ended up stronger, self enlightened, and with a great story to tell.  
Four animals, three dead, two stories, one lifeboat. 


A simple greeting
Or something more
It's like saying good night
Or rapping on a door

Some other ways are
Hey, hi, hows it going
To respond is the way
Of go with the flowing

If you say good day
Then people go wow
So just say hello
And say it right...now!


Author's Note:
This is a poem I wrote after watching an episode of Bones on Fox.  I am focusing on organization.

Never love for money
Only love
Who you want

Never trust for friendship
Only trust
Whom you wish

Never take what is not yours
Only care
Who truly needs it

Never die with regrets
Only know
You live once

Between Them

Author's Note:
This is a poem that I thought of after I finished trying to convince two of my friends that they are in LOVE with each other.  I am focusing on voice.

They create the more heat than friction
And more love than Juliet
There is something strong between them
That's still getting better yet

They won't explain it to one and other
They say because of the great "risk"
Though they talk for hours everyday
Stirring feelings faster than a whisk

Most people will never feel this way
So it's a shame their putting it to waste
When I try to think about it
I start to taste a bitter taste

When they look at each others eyes
It isn't colors that they see
They could might as well be color blind
Or blind of love if you ask me

They know what the other eats
For  all three meals of every day
When one of them would talk
The other hangs on every word they'd say

They are just so cute together
You'd dream for a relationship like this
If they're never gonna admit it
It's their own future they're gonna miss

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Author's Note:
This is a poem I wrote after I heard someone say attitude is everything like six times in a day.

Attitude is everything
We all hear them say
Attitude is everything
During every single day

Attitude is everything
That couldn't be more true
Attitude is everything
To me, but how 'bout you

Attitude is everything
When talking to your friends
Attitude is everything
Until the world would end

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Author's Note:
This is a poem that I wrote during the very first snowfall of the 2011-12 winter.

It finally is snowing
It is such a pretty sight
I couldn't ask for any more
If I prayed with all my might

It creates a soft, white blanket
On top of the whole city
To the states that don't get snow
It truly is a pity

You can do so much with it
Like make big snow figures
Though for people who are taller
They will be even bigger!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Author's Note:
This is a poem I wrote, not specifically about God, that explains creation. I am focusing on creativity and voice.

Trees grew
Grass spread
Someone up there smiled

Planets formed
Rocks shifted
Our creator was quite pleased

Oceans widened
Rivers flowed
The higher power beamed

Animals multiplied
People flourished
The makers were at ease

Monday, November 7, 2011

Interview Response

Author's Note:
This is my response to "the idea of a religious boy in a lifeboat with a wild animal struck me as a perfect metaphor for the human condition. Humans aspire to really high things, right, like religion, justice, democracy. At the same time, we're rooted in our human, animal condition. And so, all of those brought together in a lifeboat struck me as being... as a perfect metaphor.".

I find that this statement couldn't be more wrong.  I do not believe that his examples of high things are valid.  Religion and democracy are our beliefs than do not often change, forcing us to stay the same.  Staying the same for your entire life is a very easy task that I do not find to be a "highly thing".  On the other hand, justice is something that we can strive for our whole lives and never achieve, thus a higher thought. 

In the book, I do not think that it explains Pi's animal condition very well.  The tiger, orangutan, zebra and hyena exhibit strong animal instincts, but Pi doesn't.   Pi stays, mostly, a holy, kind, worried, sixteen year old boy that doesn't really turn animalistic.  Also, how did the author think of the lifeboat?  He doesn't explain how he thought of that and I honestly do not get it.  Overall, I did not find the story to be a perfect metaphor for the human condition.