"In the pursuit of virtue, don't be afraid to overtake your teacher."
"Young people should not be taken lightly. How do you know that they will not one day be better than you are now?"


"True poets are only the interpreters of the Gods."

-- Socrates

You laugh because I'm different, I laugh because you're the same.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Author's Note:
This is a poem that I decided to write about getting older.

Growing up, growing old
Getting wiser every day

The lessons we learn
The people we know

With knowledge comes pride
With pride comes character

Forbidden words
Forbidden languages

Sounds of love
Sounds of laughter

Tastes of bitter
Tastes of sweet

This all comes with life
This all com with age

1 comment:

  1. Nice job! I really like how you repeated every two lines a little bit. You really described growing up.
