"In the pursuit of virtue, don't be afraid to overtake your teacher."
"Young people should not be taken lightly. How do you know that they will not one day be better than you are now?"


"True poets are only the interpreters of the Gods."

-- Socrates

You laugh because I'm different, I laugh because you're the same.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mitchell and Xavier

Both are weird
Both are odd
Both like fish
And things like cod
Both are very sporty and 
Both play football
Both smell strange
Both walk up stairs and then fall
This was short but it was fun
This is short and now it's done


Clear is world
As our water
As our faith
And our daughters
Clear is here
As our neighbor
As hard workers
As hard labor
Clear is peace
As war is not
As family gone
As love is lost
Clear is love
As to respect
As to determine
As to accept
Clear is direction
As to read
As to learn
As to see
Clear is hope
As to go or come back
As to see the other side
As to love white or black
Clear is religion
As to believe
As to know
As to receive
Clear is knowledge
As to write
As to see
As to fight
Clear is world
As our water
As our faith
And as our daughters

Monday, October 25, 2010

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Dancing Streets ll

(Go to older posts to read the first Dancing Streets)

Do you get it now? Experiences can last forever. I saw those kids, those hundreds of kids, dancing. Doing moves that I've never even seen before. When I left that driveway, I knew I could never forget it. When I got home, I told my wife and kids about the streets and they didn't believe me. So guess what I did. We took a vacation to the Dancing Streets. They did a few double takes and I heard a few gasps, but now they believe. What, you may think. Well, they now believe anythings possible. These streets are like God. They're amazing though we never see them, we just have to have faith that people still love. With no wars or fights, or hating or racism. Just love. The kids dancing on the streets that night were family to each other. They weren't blood family, they were just one crowd of people together loving each other. And last time I checked, that meant family.


They encourage and discourage
You can maybe see it
They help you find your way
While they help you lose it
They help you on in life
And to get good grades
For life skills
And B's and A's
Now you get my point
It's a good one too
Everyone has friends
Just like me and you

(Inspired by Barnie, before it got sued.)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Why, why did this happen to us? Everyone within miles of crashes wondered. So many loved ones, gone, dead. They try to make themselves feel better by saying that they'll be better off in heaven and that they're in a better place. Though they can't quite shake the feeling of why the U.S. What did we do? Terrorists. That one word kept coming back. Lord, why do you hate us. The dreadful words to leave several individual's mouths. In their minds they knew that he didn't do this on purpose, but they craved for someone to blame.
As the authorities began to arrive, people crowded around to ask questions, stupid questions. For instance, why did this happen? Think, doesn't that make it sound like it is the police's fault? No it wasn't. It was no one's fault. Not even the terrorists. If it was meant to be, nothing could change it.

No one will ever fully recover from this happening. Personally, I think that the saddest part to me, is that, my fifth grade teacher, Mrs. Keefe, has her anniversary on this day. Now you think, why would she get married on 9/11, but she got married long before it even happened. Wouldn't you think it's sad too?
There isn't anything to do. Things we learned, maybe. Though we still won't, now or ever, be able to change history.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Link to Long Story- 11 Clues; 2 Deaths; and a Popstar

Monsters (BTW.. I didn't know that Abbi already did this sorry)

Mommy, there's a monster in my closet, are the first words to leave a young girl's mouth as she climbs into bed that night. She thinks she sees dark blue hair, big, round eyes, and the sharpest teeth in the world. She gets frightened, scared, and worried it will come and eat her. The girl think didn't her mother heard her so she shouted louder. Her mom came running in. The girl replied and said again that there was a big, hairy monster in her closet. Then, the girl tells her mom that she thinks that it will come and eat her if it doesn't leave. The mom laughs at the girl, and the girl wonders why. For that she is only 6. Her mom exits the room slowly, as if to mock her daughter. After that, the little girl begins to cry. Not because of the monster, but that her mom laughed at her. She stopped. There was no sound. The girl thought the monster left. It didn't. She screamed a blood curdling scream that people a 1,000 miles away could hear. Again, the mom comes running in, with the girls dad, too. The girls again states that there is, for sure, a monster in her closet. Then, again, the mom laughs. Little girls don't get the fact that sometimes parents are just amused, not being mean. The "monster" starts to move, and the girl screams once more. The mom turns on the light and looks in the closet to find, to her amazement, that it was just the girls life-sized Brobee. So the little girl laughs, and understands now why her mom was, too. Then the girl was happy. Why? You may ask. Because she was afraid that Brobee wasn't cool, but now she knows that if it could scare her, then it was soooooooo chupapalicious.

Friday, October 15, 2010

No, Yes, Maybe


That's the answer
So many times we hear it
Why, why not?
Why can't I have it
That's what I said
So no
That's it
Go home
We don't like you
So it's no
You heard me
Go home
You're too short
You're too fat
You can't even reach it
So that's the end of that


That's the answer
So many times we hear it
Yes, yes thanks
Thanks for letting me have it
That's what you said
So yes
That’s it
You're the best
I do like you
So it's yes
You heard me
You're the best
You're just right
You're too perfect
Thanks for getting that
Let's go to the circus


That's the answer
So many times we hear it
Oh, oh please
How 'bout when you reach it
That's what I think
So maybe
That's it
Ok lady
Hey I know you
So it's maybe
You heard me
Ok lady
You're ok
You're not bad
Maybe in a little while
That can't make you sad

If I Took a Trip to Africa

If I took a trip to Africa
I'd see many things
I'd get burned and red
And observe large birds with wings
I'd take a safari to see animals
Like Zebu and Namaqua
Exotic as they seem
I may even see a Quagga
I won't take a plane or a boat
I would merely float
Through the ocean and away
And end up on an African Bay
I'd work really hard to get there
But may end up with wet hair
I would take Kati and Sara
And maybe Abbi, too
I may get chase by lions
Though I'd make it through
Kati would protect me
And Sara'd let me die
While Abbi starts to
Whats the word, oh right cry
Abbi will get scraped
Kati will have some real strange food
While Sara shouts at a monkey
Hey wait up dude!
We might think she's weird
But hey nothing's changed
I would plan it all out
Though might rearrange
To make it different
To make in fun
It won't be cold
But we'd be bathing in the sun
I would start to scream real loud
Though Sara still shouts huh?
This is what would happen
If I took a trip to Africa


Soon things will happen
Soon your dreams will come true
Soon world peace will come
Soon the war will be over
Soon you'll find true love
Soon you'll be happy
Soon things will happen
Soon your dreams will be destroyed
Soon any chance of peace will be gone
Soon the war will get worse
Soon you'll be hated
Soon you'll be sad
Soon things will happen
Soon the songs will make sense
Soon you'll save a life
Soon your family will love again
Soon things will go your way
Soon you'll be happy
Soon things will happen
Soon you'll be lost
Soon you will kill
Soon your family will hate
Soon things won't come around
Soon you'll be sad
Soon things will happen
Soon you'll be young again
Soon you can live
Soon you'll get excited
Soon you'll be enhanced
Soon you'll be happy
Soon things will happen
Soon you'll get old
Soon you will die
Soon you'll be bored
Soon you'll wear away
Soon you'll be sad
Soon things will happen
Soon you'll be rich
Soon you'll have knowledge
Soon you will breathe fresher air
Soon you'll relax
Soon you'll be happy
Soon things will happen
Soon you'll be poor
Soon you won't know anything
Soon you'll breathe city air
Soon you'll get tense
Soon you'll be sad

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Dream

You couldn't be sadder. Your son's in the Army. Your daughter has cancer and your husband just got murdered. Just as you think the world wasn't going to change, it did. There's someone at the door, you open not expecting anyone. It's your son. You begin to ball all over your porch you're so happy. He comes inside and the two of you start to talk when the phone rings. It feels like you've been talking for hours, but it's only been a half an hour. As you pick up the phone, it's an unknown number, you consider just letting it ring, but you have time. When you pick up, this woman on the other end says two short words. You start to cry again and your son gets worried. You shut the phone down and go to the door. As you open it you cry again, it's your daughter. Her cancer's gone! In your head you're so happy, you can't talk. At all. The only things that come out of your mouth are coughs and stutters.

Once you finally put together your words, something else happens. For a second time the phone rings. You answer it, it's the county police. They begin to talk all technical, and then they stop and ask if you're following. Into the phone you say no. He says it in plain English. "We caught your husband's killer." You cry again, thinking that this day is perfect. Something startles you. There's someone talking to you. No, you just fell on the floor, you think as you wake up from your dream. The next thing you do is stop and ___. What do you think she did? Comment with your guess.
CLUE: its 3 letters!

Funny Sayings

Doctors say the more birthdays you have the longer you live
When picking between two evils, pick the one you've never done before
California's a fine place to live, if you happen to be an orange
Curiosity killed the cat, but for a while I was a suspect
Electricity is organized lightning
Everywhere is within walking distance, if you have the time
I'm not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens
I am the literary equivalent of a BigMac and fries
I bought some new batteries, but they weren't included
I do not have 3000 pairs of shoes, I have 1600
I intend to live forever, so far so good
When I was four I was the kid next door's imaginary friend
I would never die for my beliefs, what if I'm wrong
If truth is beauty, how come nobody dies their hair in a library
If 2 wrongs don't make a right, try three
Life is hard, after all, it kills you
My sister had a profound influence on me, she's crazy too
Start everyday with a smile and get it over with
Tragedy's when I get a paper cut comedy's when someone falls in a sewer and dies

The Dancing Streets

It's 1997. You don't know where you are. You hear music, loud music. I'm lost, you think. You're in downtown Atlanta, an unfamiliar area at twelve thirty in the morning. It's pitch black.In your head you think that if you find the music, you can ask somebody how to get out of here.Suddenly, the music gets louder.So loud, even in your car, you have to plug your ears.You see people. Lots of them. They're all in the streets, dancing. It's the coolest thing you've ever seen.So many people coming together, dancing. Your mind goes wild, you think it's a competition, which it is not, but you wouldn't get it. All the people are just dancing in the streets. Not because they have to for practice or anything, they're naturally gifted.They're doing it because they're expressing themselves. This is just a normal day in the neighborhood for these kids. There must be a hundred of them, just dancing. None of them doing the same thing.You think it's a party, it's not. The people are just chilling with they're friends. One of them comes up to your car, you think about driving away, but you don't your just to hypnotized. The boy asks you what you want. You tell him you need directions, the boy was nice, he said they're not bad kids, just bored ones doing what they do everyday after school. He tells you the way out. But you hang around for a while watching them. Once you finally drive away you won't forget, it's thirteen years later, and you still remember perfectly.

-Inspiration for this story- "Step-Up 2, The Streets"

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sara's Peom

Sara the poem

Creative Artsy Cool
Is in cross country
She is also in TAG
And is not so funny
Her last name is Fox
And middle is Marie
She says please and thank you
Though in French it is Merci
She takes Spanish and Academy
Multi media too
Those are most her classes
When she is in school
No I'm not a stalker
I merely observe
I just wrote this poem
Now it is your turn
Not really back to her
She is truly great
All around a 10
I say with heart
Didn't she break her only pen
She understands lots of things
Like math and writing see?
She can go to college
To be what she wants to be
An architect that is
To build things and design
What's hers is hers
And hers is mine
We share lots of things
Like girl secrets and all
I am very short
And she is very tall
We have lots of things in common
People might just say
She is a real person and
Doesn't oink moo or neigh
Clever as she may seem
As she is in TAG
In Fifth grade she stabbed herself
With a pointy edged flag
Ouch she could've said
I truly don't remember
And if you ask about her birthday
It is in November
Though don't be dumb to ask her
She'll say it's the 31st
So if you'd believe her
You'd look like a guy holding a purse
Or satchel as Xavier says
As at lunch he holds Brittany's
Let's get back on topic now
So, Sara's not so tiny
Overall you can she
That she's basically a girl
She likes Justin Bieber
And could own his
CD my world
She is "borrowing" Claudia's book
All about that "boy"
If you listen to his music
You would be annoyed
Just to end
Here's one last thing
Like most people she like money
And likes when it cha-chings.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Word- Happen

Things happen in life you may not want. You do things you regret. Everyday goes by and something happens. You fail. You lose. You feel destroyed. You can't take. No one gets it. In your mind you think you shouldn't have to explain it, but you want to talk. To someone, anyone that will listen. You hear in your heart to tell a friend or your parents, but no they don't get it. They just wouldn't understand. Everyone laughs and laughs. At you. Tell a principal you get bullied. The girls say they won't go out with you. Guys yell at you for even asking to play football. I am alone. You always think. Your mind goes wild. Like a rainforest. Tears rush down your face. You cry in a small corner of your room. Plain as jail because your parents even hate you. What's wrong with me? I'm so nice. I'm never mean. Help me lord. I don't want to be praised. Just loved by my peers, by my parents, by anyone. I've been living in a jail cell. For seventeen years, I've gone through this. It's been long enough. Every night I pray for an answer. The next I found out. I can't believe it. That's it? Why do they hate me for that? So I'm black. I didn't think it mattered. My parents adopted me because I thought they liked me. I guess not. They needed someone to bask in their glory. Pathetic. All these years I'd thought that I did something wrong or that I had been mean to someone, but no, I was black. That was it. Now I don't need someone to talk to. I can be my own person. I don't have to try and change for others to like me, because it won't change their minds, just make me feel worse. Now I can at least know that and be able to live my own life. With no one else's permission. Just what I think. Who needs parents. Or friends. I can make new ones. Just one more year and I can go to college and make new friends. Black friends. Who will love me, who will treat me with respect and who will realize that I am worth more than a slab of dirt. I can see it now that people won't change. And that I will find that one person to talk to. That one person that will understand me! I don't need to change. Here I come world, with open eyes and open ears. Sure, don't let me play football. See if I care. Here I come!

Leaves Changing Colors

Leaves changing colors

My sister and I just finished raking the leaves. Now we have a huge pile of red and brown colored objects in our backyard. They're crinkly and rough, though wet with the morning's fresh layer of dew. We rake in the last of the leaves, then we look at our masterpiece. I can't believe we took two hours doing this. Though within seconds, it's ruined. I jumped in first then my sister. We begin to laugh just as out dad walked out with his "dad sized" rake. He asked us if we'd finished raking without even looking at us. He turns around and lets out a giggle. "Cute" Were the only words to leave his mouth. That's it. We thought he would at least thank us for raking, but no, we were just "cute". The two of us frown, my dad gets the hint. He begins to speak, but then, he jumps in, too. Again we laugh, but there's no one to hear, there is nothing living around. We're alone. On a cool, October day, just the three of us. It's perfect.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Seminar Story

Alex Baker no longer goes to our school. She goes to Beaver Dam, gross. I hate cities with swears in them. I mean who would think of naming a city after a swear or a hairy fat animal's home. I mean people have problems. Come on; a beaver why not like a pony or a cumquat? That's more interesting then a beaver. So I, Natalie W, now rename Beaver Dam to Cumquat Pony land. Clever right? Sure why not? Though the only problem with my plan is that if you don't know where something is, you can't rename it. That's like telling a teacher you did your homework, left it at home, and tell her that you renamed it in your mind. It sounds weird right? That's my point. Where is this story going you ask. Well here's the answer- nowhere. It's staying where it is. The End!