"In the pursuit of virtue, don't be afraid to overtake your teacher."
"Young people should not be taken lightly. How do you know that they will not one day be better than you are now?"


"True poets are only the interpreters of the Gods."

-- Socrates

You laugh because I'm different, I laugh because you're the same.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ice Cream

Vanilla and chocolate
Mocha and berry
Frozen and cold
Though it is not hairy

Sundaes and custards
Toppings and cherries
Magical taste
For people and fairies

Chocolaty syrup
And dazzling sprinkles
Don't get brain freeze
Because it will tickle

Using your spoon,
But not your knife
This is something you need
In your everyday life

Yummy and gooey
Slicky and smooth
It is not solid
You won't loose a tooth

To finish this up
Here's something to note
This is about ice cream
Just so you know


  1. That was a very fun poem on ice cream. I liked how you rhymed in your every other line. I thought they were really clever. Your description of ice cream was nice too. In your second to last stanza you spelled lose as loose. Other than that, sweet poem!
